7 Mart 2018 Çarşamba


English Language Teaching

Lesson Plan

Students' Level of Proficiency: Intermediate A-2
Students' Age: 14-15
Class Size:30 


Students will identify at least five different language learning techniques through TED Talk videos shared here.
Students will write a reflective journal about these videos and article up to 500 words. 

Learning a foreign language is essential in this ever-changing economic and cultural world. If you want to achieve more, it is better to learn a second language for many reasons. There are several ways to achieve this goal. If you make a search on the internet, then you will realize that there are numerous effective solutions and tips existing. I embedded two videos here that it would be helpful for you to see how polyglot people learn many languages easily and effectively.

  1. 1.
    knowing or using several languages.

    "a polyglot career woman"
  2. noun
    1. 1.
      a person who knows and is able to use several languages.

      "Slovenians, being surrounded by many countries, are mostly polyglots")



I would like to share some information about this issue with you.

" Learning a new language can be tough, but if you follow certain techniques, soon you'll be able to learn any language. Although there's no magical way to go about it, with some hard work and practice you'll be fluent in no time"


Here are some useful tips from this article that you can read the whole article from the link above.

Getting Down to the Basics
1.   Know your learning style. This is the single most important thing you need to know when starting to learn a language. Everyone learns differently, especially when it comes to languages. You'll need to figure out if you learn best through repetition, through writing down the words or through listening to a native speaker.
2.   Decide if you're a visual, auditive or kinesthetic learner. 

  •      Learn pronunciation.  
  •     Pay attention to the grammar.
  •     Memorize at least 10 words and phrases each day.
  •     Practice the alphabet.
Practicing the Language
1.   Listen. 
2.   Read in your chosen language.
3.   Speak with native speakers.
4.   Practice. Do not hesitate to speak the language in public and with native speakers. It will be helpful in improving your mastery. Also, don't be ashamed to allow other people to correct you if you pronounce something wrong. No one knows everything. Welcome constructive criticism. Test your knowledge at every social occasion you have.
    • Keep watching movies and television shows. If you like soccer, for example, watch it in Spanish to keep the language fresh in your memory. Make sure to yell at the t.v. when the game isn't going your way.
    • Challenge yourself to think in the language you are attempting to learn.

Now, write a reflective journal about these videos and article, up to 500 words.